/****************************************************************************** * scroller.js * * * * Copyright 1999 by Mike Hall. * * Visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com * * Last update: July 21st, '02 by Dynamic Drive for NS6 functionality. * * * * Allows you to create scrolling displays on a page. Multiple scrollers can * * be defined, each with it's own parameters and list of items. Item text can * * include basic HTML tags, including links and images. * * Note: requires dhtmllib.js. * ******************************************************************************/ //***************************************************************************** // Scroller constructor. //***************************************************************************** function Scroller(x, y, width, height, border, padding) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.border = border; this.padding = padding; this.items = new Array(); this.created = false; // Set default colors. this.fgColor = "#000000"; this.bgColor = "#ffffff"; this.bdColor = "#000000"; // Set default font. this.fontFace = "Arial,Helvetica"; this.fontSize = "2"; // Set default scroll timing values. this.speed = 50; this.pauseTime = 2000; // Define methods. this.setColors = scrollerSetColors; this.setFont = scrollerSetFont; this.setSpeed = scrollerSetSpeed; this.setPause = scrollersetPause; this.addItem = scrollerAddItem; this.create = scrollerCreate; this.show = scrollerShow; this.hide = scrollerHide; this.moveTo = scrollerMoveTo; this.moveBy = scrollerMoveBy; this.getzIndex = scrollerGetzIndex; this.setzIndex = scrollerSetzIndex; this.stop = scrollerStop; this.start = scrollerStart; } //***************************************************************************** // Scroller methods. //***************************************************************************** function scrollerSetColors(fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.fgColor = fgcolor; this.bgColor = bgcolor; this.bdColor = bdcolor; } function scrollerSetFont(face, size) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.fontFace = face; this.fontSize = size; } function scrollerSetSpeed(pps) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.speed = pps; } function scrollersetPause(ms) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.pauseTime = ms; } function scrollerAddItem(str) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.items[this.items.length] = str; } function scrollerCreate() { var start, end; var str; var i, j; var x, y; if (!isMinNS4 && !ie && !dom) return; // On first scroller, start interval timer. if (scrollerList.length == 0) setInterval('scrollerGo()', scrollerInterval); // Create the scroller only once. if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.created = true; // Copy first item to the end of the list, this lets us scroll from the last // defined item to the first without jumping. this.items[this.items.length] = this.items[0]; // Set up HTML code for item text. start = '' + '
' + ''; end = '
'; // Build the layers. if (isMinNS4) { this.baseLayer = new Layer(this.width); this.scrollLayer = new Layer(this.width, this.baseLayer); this.scrollLayer.visibility = "inherit"; this.itemLayers = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.itemLayers[i] = new Layer(this.width, this.scrollLayer); this.itemLayers[i].document.open(); this.itemLayers[i].document.writeln(start + this.items[i] + end); this.itemLayers[i].document.close(); this.itemLayers[i].visibility = "inherit"; } // Set background colors. setBgColor(this.baseLayer, this.bdColor); setBgColor(this.scrollLayer, this.bgColor); } if (ie||dom) { i = scrollerList.length; str = '
\n' + '
\n'; for (j = 0; j < this.items.length; j++) { str += '
\n' + start + this.items[j] + end + '
\n'; } str += '
\n' + '
\n'; // Insert HTML code at end of page. For IE4, need to scroll window to // end of page, insert and scroll back to correct bug. if (!(ie&&window.print)) { x = getPageScrollX(); y = getPageScrollY(); window.scrollTo(getPageWidth(), getPageHeight()); } if (ie) document.all.tempholder.innerHTML=str else if (dom) document.getElementById("tempholder").innerHTML=str //EDIT HERE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!(ie&&window.print)) window.scrollTo(x, y); // Get handles to each layer. this.baseLayer = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_baseLayer"); this.scrollLayer = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_scrollLayer"); this.itemLayers = new Array(); for (j = 0; j < this.items.length; j++) this.itemLayers[j] = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_itemLayers" + j); } // Position and clip base and scroll layers. moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, this.x, this.y); clipLayer(this.baseLayer, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); moveLayerTo(this.scrollLayer, this.border, this.border); clipLayer(this.scrollLayer, 0, 0, this.width - 2 * this.border, this.height - 2 * this.border); // Position and clip each item layer. x = 0; y = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { moveLayerTo(this.itemLayers[i], x, y); clipLayer(this.itemLayers[i], 0, 0, this.width, this.height); y += this.height; } // Set up scrolling parameters. this.stopped = false; this.currentY = 0; this.stepY = this.speed / (1000 / scrollerInterval); this.stepY = Math.min(this.height, this.stepY); this.nextY = this.height; this.maxY = this.height * (this.items.length - 1); this.paused = true; this.counter = 0; // Add to global list. scrollerList[scrollerList.length] = this; // Display it. showLayer(this.baseLayer); } function scrollerShow() { if (this.created) showLayer(this.baseLayer); } function scrollerHide() { if (this.created) hideLayer(this.baseLayer); } function scrollerMoveTo(x, y) { if (this.created) moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, x, y); } function scrollerMoveBy(dx, dy) { if (this.created) moveLayerBy(this.baseLayer, dx, dy); } function scrollerGetzIndex() { if (this.created) return(getzIndex(this.baseLayer)); else return(0); } function scrollerSetzIndex(z) { if (this.created) setzIndex(this.baseLayer, z); } function scrollerStart() { this.stopped = false; } function scrollerStop() { this.stopped = true; } //***************************************************************************** // Code for scrolling. //***************************************************************************** // An array is used to hold a pointer to each scroller that is defined. The // scrollerGo() function runs at regular intervals and updates each scroller // in this list. var scrollerList = new Array(); var scrollerInterval = 20; function scrollerGo() { var i; // Update each scroller object in the list. for (i = 0; i < scrollerList.length; i++) { // If stopped, skip. if (scrollerList[i].stopped); // If paused, update counter. else if (scrollerList[i].paused) { scrollerList[i].counter += scrollerInterval; if (scrollerList[i].counter > scrollerList[i].pauseTime) scrollerList[i].paused = false; } // Scroll it. else { scrollerList[i].currentY += scrollerList[i].stepY; // Pause it if the next item has scrolled into view. if (scrollerList[i].currentY >= scrollerList[i].nextY) { scrollerList[i].paused = true; scrollerList[i].counter = 0; scrollerList[i].currentY = scrollerList[i].nextY; scrollerList[i].nextY += scrollerList[i].height; } // When we reach the end, start over. if (scrollerList[i].currentY >= scrollerList[i].maxY) { scrollerList[i].currentY -= scrollerList[i].maxY; scrollerList[i].nextY = scrollerList[i].height; } scrollLayerTo(scrollerList[i].scrollLayer, 0, Math.round(scrollerList[i].currentY), false); } } } //***************************************************************************** // Code to handle a window resize. //***************************************************************************** // These variables are used to determine if a resize event is a true one. // Necessary due to a bug in older NS4 releases. var origWidth; var origHeight; // Fix for resize bug. if (isMinNS4) { origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight; } window.onresize = scrollerReload; function scrollerReload() { // Reload page in case of a browser resize. First make sure it's a true // resize. if (isMinNS4 && origWidth == window.innerWidth && origHeight == window.innerHeight) return; window.location.href = window.location.href; }